Ehsan Hosseinzadeh was member of Iranian Central Bar Association and had been working as a lawyer in Iran. He finished his bachelor degree in law at University of Tabriz and entered into University of Judicial Sciences and Administrative Services to finish his master degree in corporate law. His thesis was about “Workers’ Participation in Desicion Making Process of BODs”. He got a scholarship from IFA institute in human rights and peace building and was doing research at BUG in Berlin to do research on the Affirmative Action plan.
Email: ehsan.hosseinzadeh (@)

Photo by: Richard De Hullessen, MidiLibre
He was founder of Tehran based law firm called Educated Lawyers by which he could practice business law and also human rights in Iran. After receiving threats due to his legal profession as a lawyer he had to leave Iran and since his arrival in France he has been working with various journals and websites as a freelance journalist and legal commentator including local media like Ghanoon Newspaper, Shahrvand Newspaper, Arab Daily and international ones like FairObserver, Iran International, Manoto TV, NorwayToday, Radio Free Europe and Iran Human Rights Organization in which he is member of editorial board focusing on human rights in Iran.
Some of his articles are as follows:
You can find the list of his articles at this link.
English Articles:
- Iran’s Leaders Are Hypocrites, Fair Observer
- ICJ Orders Trump to Ease Sanctions on Iran, Fair Observer
- Fact-Checking Zarif’s Claims in Munich: Security-Driven Human Rights, Iran International
- opposant au régime iranien, le jeune avocat demande l’asile politique, MidiLibre
- Protest or Revolution? What’s going on in Iran!, Iran of the World
- Iranian Women in Front Line of Freedom Movement, Times of Israel
Persian Articles in Iranian Media outside Iran
Corruption in privatization process in Iran, Iran International
Iranian parliament’s Plan and Khamenei’s escape from the responsibility for the starting of a possible war, Iran International, April 2019
Politicizing Judiciary in Iran and Designation of Ibrahim Raisi, Iran International, March 2019
Islamic Republic of Iran and Suppression of Lawyers, Iran International, March 2019
Defamation Law, Peace Line Journal, March 2019
UNODC’s Plan in Iran, Peace Line Journal, February 2019
Persian Articles in Iranian Newspapers
- Criminals’ Alphabet; Lack of Regulations or Supervision? Ghanoon Newspaper, Tehran
- Right to be forgotten, Ghanoon newspaper
- Respect to Lawyers, A forgotten Principle, Araz Newspaper, Urmia,
- Right to be Forgotten, Araz Newspaper, Urmia
- Study on Political Crime, Plan which provided by Iranian Parliament, Araz Newspaper, Urmia
- Oppressed Judges, Araz Newspaper, Urmia
- Unemployment of Youth, Content of Which Code?, Araz Newspaper, Urmia
- When Justice Angle is Angry, Araz Newspaper, Urmia
- Fair Competition Lost Regulations of Iran, Araz Newspaper, Urmia
- Right to Access to a Lawyer near Court, Araz Newspaper, Urmia
- Legal Necessities of Checking Governmental Bodies’ Properties, Araz Newspaper, Urmia
- Forgotten Rules, Araz Newspaper, Urmia